My book

About ten years ago I began writing a blog, which turned into a memoir.

In 2020 I self-published it on Amazon: ‘I Must be a Mermaid (Deep Fear of Shallow Living)’.

I had so many moving reviews and DMs from women who related to my story in various ways, but I always felt the book still had more to give; it was as if the first draft was only testing the water.

Over the last four years I have been editing the whole text, and re-writing parts which revealed themselves more and more to me, bit by bit.

Today, it is the book I always wanted it to be.

It’s a bit longer, the ending is a little different, the story is essentially the same. Everything just goes a bit deeper.

No fear of depths

Deep LUST, Deep ART, Deep GRIEF, Deep LOVE

a memoir

By Charlene Hickey


Everyone says that balance and moderation is the answer – perhaps that’s true in most cases. But for a time, it was the extremes which brought Charlene the most clarity in her life.

Use the link button below to take you to Amazon, where you can read a FREE sample of the book, up to chapter EIGHT! and buy the paperback. For the eBook, search directly on Kindle or Apple Books.

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